Saturday, August 18, 2012

Still Waiting

Not much new has been happening. I was able to go to work on Thursday and Friday and that was really helpful. It still is a little scary because I never know when "IT" is going to start but we need the money and it is good for me to be there. I kept a blog when we had Virginia and it was so therapeutic to write in there. It obviously has continued once we lost the other two babies. I was trying to have a new "happy" start with this blog but unfortunately that is not going to happen. I wanted to attach the blog address of how it went with the last miscarriage. This blog post is when we found out that the baby had no heartbeat and the story progresses from there. I am very scared about the actual miscarriage but know that there are so many people praying. We are so thankful for all of the support and appreciate the calls, e-mails, visits and special gifts!

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