Sunday, August 12, 2012


What a bummer this weekend has been. We were so excited because my best friend, Jo, from college was coming to visit. She arrived at about 1 on Saturday and we went shopping for about 2 hours. At about 3 we stopped to grab something to eat and I had a little spotting. I called the OB immediately and he was not concerned at all and said that is normal at this stage of the pregnancy. We went back to my parents and relaxed all night. On Sunday morning I still had more spotting and after calling the OB a couple of times I decided that I would be more comfortable getting the baby checked in the ER. (Jo unfortunately went home early but hopefully we will be able to hang out soon. We also were scheduled to go to my cousin Jake's wedding but the OB wanted me off of my feet). The OB was meeting me at the ER but they started doing the ultrasounds without him. The tech did the internal and the baby was only measuring at 5 weeks 1 day and I should be 6 weeks 5 days. The OB apologized that he wasn't in there with me to see the ultrasound. He said that we should try to remain optimistic because maybe the dates are off (which I know they are not but hope that something is wrong). We are scheduled to go back for an ultrasound on Tuesday morning and are praying fervently that the baby will have grown. It is so hard for us because we were not trying to get pregnant this time. We really believed that God was blessing us with this child and this was His timing. We are struggling to understand all of this. We believe that our child's life is precious and we continue to pray that he or she will grow to be a healthy baby.


  1. I am praying right now that tomorrow you get GOOD news and that your journey toward a healthy baby will be blessed. Thank you for keeping me in the loop.

  2. Thanks so much Sherokee--we definitely appreciate the prayers!
